These 3 Ingredients in a Tea Will Boost Your Iron Levels Without a Supplement

These 3 Ingredients in a Tea Will Boost Your Iron Levels Without a Supplement Could low iron levels be the surprise culprit to your nagging symptoms of feeling lazy and tired? If you find yourself frequently experiencing low energy levels, or if you commonly struggle to find motivation to do very much of anything day-to-day, you may want to have you iron levels checked to see where you’re at.

A lot of people have very sensitive reactions to iron pills, and many Naturopaths report the supplements on the shelves these days are hit or miss. If you’re looking for more natural plant-based ways to get iron into your diet, this recipe is for you.

Many Naturopathic Doctors suggest this drink to their clients who for whatever reason aren’t able or willing to do a supplement, or when there is a minor deficiency that can be resolved with whole-foods.

I can’t promise this will be the most delicious tea you’ve ever had, some will love it, others won’t. The point is, it works. Note that this isn’t a replacement for any protocols your physician or Naturopath has prescribed to you, and depending on where your iron levels are at personally, you may need to take more aggressive measures that venture outside of the plant-based realm.


  • 1 cup hot water brewed with 1-2 tbsp. dried nettle leaf tea
  • 1 tbsp. molasses
  • Half lemon, juiced

Instructions: Bring your water to a boil and add your dried nettle leaf. Let your tea sit for 5-7 minutes so it can brew. Then, add your molasses and lemon juice, stir and drink. 

Sheleana Aiyana