Coconut water: Will rev your energy! A lot of athletes swear that drinking coconut water increases their endurance, and Japanese research proves them right. This naturally sweet thirst-quenching beverage contains electrolytes (including more potassium than two bananas) that rehydrate you faster than popular sports drinks made with refined sugars, artificial flavoring and food coloring, reports the Journal of Anthropology and Applied Human Science. Try this coconut chlorophyll elixir.
Coconut meat (fresh or dried): Coconut can help bring relief for stomach problems like indigestion and diarrhea. In the book The People’s Pharmacy, it talks about coconut helping some people cure their chronic problems like Crohn’s Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The reason: coconut kills H. pylori, the bacteria behind stomach ulcers, on contact, plus it’s one of the highest-fiber plant foods there is, and fiber is a standard medical treatment for many bowel issues. Try this raw coconut yogurt.
Coconut oil: It burns belly fat! Studies show that belly fat is the most dangerous kind for health that there is, linking it to heart problems and other diseases. But coconut oil contains fatty acids that turbocharge metabolism by up to 50%, and a study in the journal Lipids showed that daily consumption reduces abdominal fat in women. It is also acts as an amazing anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-biotic for the body, both inside and out! Here’s 42 healing ways to use coconut oil.
- Open Your Heart Chakra with Green Foods! - May 9, 2014
- Zap Headaches and Tension with this Watermelon Elixir - May 8, 2014
- 3 Ways to Enjoy the Superfood Benefits of Coconut - May 5, 2014