5 Holiday Stress Hacks to Bring on the Bliss

Introvert Recharge

Do you want to spend less time stressing and more time celebrating this holiday season? With dinner parties, house guests, and travel, commitments add up but they don’t have to get you down.  Conquer stress this holiday season with these holiday hacks that can turn holiday stress into holiday bliss.

  1. Blissful “Me” Time

It’s been said that the best plan is the one you’ll keep. The holidays are busy and it can be hard to find time for yourself, which is why it’s important to plan to take time for yourself and do it in a way that works for you. Schedule it in and stick to it, just like you would the family potluck or dinner with friends. Take time for you, to do something you love, like a quiet minute in the morning to just breathe, or an after dinner walk. This “me” time helps you to recharge and feel ready to conquer this holiday season.

  1. Snacking Bliss

Sometimes picking foods to eat between meals feels more stressful than perfecting your Grandma’s secret pumpkin pie recipe.

Look for snacks that use whole, plant-based foods, rich in vitamins and minerals that give you the nutrition you need. The best snack options are ones that are simple and delicious, ones that satisfy your hunger but don’t require a lot of prep time.

Leftovers: Yes, leftovers! Enjoy the rest of that delicious plant-based dinner you had last night or get creative and find a new way to do leftovers with smoothies made from leftover pumpkin puree.

Veggies and Hummus: Spend 10 minutes chopping veggies and make or buy a simple hummus. Store both in the fridge for a snack you can grab anytime (also makes a terrific appetizer, for any unexpected house guests).

Shake on the Go: Shake up Vega Protein & Greens with unsweetened non-dairy milk for a snack that covers your on-the-go nutrition needs with 20 grams protein and 2 servings of greens—for only 110 calories.

  1. Sipping Bliss

You know the importance of water but sometimes it can be hard to pass up those tantalizing holiday drinks for a plain glass of H2O when egg nog, hot chocolate, and pumpkin spice lattes surround you at every turn. Hydration is important to help your body run optimally so you can feel energized and ready for all the holiday parties, gatherings, and festivities. Try adding cranberries or sliced apples and cinnamon sticks to your water for a festive twist or opt for more nutrient dense versions of your favorite drinks, like this high protein egg nog recipe which serves two:


  • 1 serving Vega Protein & Greens Vanilla
  • 2 cups Silk coconut milk, unsweetened
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/4 tsp ground cloves
  • ½ cup ice

Blend, share, sip, enjoy!

  1. Move Your Body Bliss

When it comes to fitness, consistency is key, so don’t let the holidays bring your workout routine to a screeching halt. Your routine may change with holiday commitments and the winter weather but that doesn’t mean you have to give up on your goals until January 1st. Instead, look for different ways to stay active. The easiest way reap the stress-conquering benefits is to make activity a part of your everyday, healthy lifestyle.

Show off your creative side and build a snowman (or a snowman-inspired sandcastle if you’re in a warmer climate), grab some snowshoes (or roller blades) for an afternoon outdoors, take the stairs when you come home with your holiday groceries or try out a do-anywhere body weight workout like these one minute workouts.

  1. Breathe In Bliss

The fastest way to turn all out stress into full on bliss is to breathe in and take a moment to thankful for everything you have this holiday season. Oprah said it best; “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”

How do you conquer holiday stress?

Bridgette Leeson