Vanilla Bean Lucuma Cream

Vanilla Bean Lucuma Cream Superfood Raw Vegan Ice Cream
Vanilla Bean Lucuma Cream Superfood Raw Vegan Ice Cream

With ice cream recipes as easy as this one, there’s no need to spend $10 bucks for a tiny little carton of vegan ice cream anymore. Since we’ve been eating a ton of fruit and banana ice cream, I haven’t craved store bought vegan or raw ice cream even once. It’s a thing of the past really, and you’re going to love how cheap and simple it is to make your own ice cream any time in the comfort of your own home.


  • 2-3 frozen ripe bananas
  • 1/5 cup vanilla almond milk
  • 1/2 tsp ground vanilla bean
  • 2 tbsp lucuma 
  • little pinch of himalayan salt

Instructions: Place all ingredients in the Vitamix and blend on high, use your plunger tool to get the mixture thick and creamy. The Vitamix should only be on for a minute or so.

About this Recipe

1. Lucuma is an exotic fruit from Peru, bright orange in colour and sweet to taste. The Incas valued Lucuma like gold! Today, it’s still served on festive occasions in Peruvian culture.

2. The flavour of lucuma is very similar to the flavour of butterscotch or caramel, making it a delicious addition to raw desserts, puddings and especially ice cream in these regions. (kind of funny how in other cultures, they use superfoods in their ice cream and it’s no big deal, out here, a healthy ice cream is like whoa!)…

3Lucuma has high levels of carotene, Vitamin B3 and other B Vitamins and is also a good source of: Vitamin A, Calcium, Fiber Phosphorus, Protein, Potassium.

I use it because it’s great for maintaining healthy skin due to it’s high antioxidant content and anti-aging properties. It’s properties also lend a hand in keeping healthy bones, raises immunity and offers a sweet solution for diabetics.

Sheleana Aiyana