Fall in Love With Purple Kohlrabi Salad!

Purple Kohlrabi
Purple Kohlrabi

I’m so grateful for the opportunity to connect and share some wonders with you!  I’m a very busy actor (among many other things) and find myself having to eat out and about a lot (of course I also take along my own foods), as well as return home to prepare delicious, nutritious and super fast meals for my partner and myself. I have created an awesome new raw meal for us that I am going to share here for you to enjoy! Yay!

The Adventure Begins

Yesterday I went to my favourite place in Melbourne, my local organic grocery and health food store! I seriously love that place.  I popped in to get a few essentials for my juices over the following couple of days (green apples, carrots and kale), when I spotted a vegetable I had never seen before! It was beautiful, so I had to buy it!

Its name is Kohlrabi – you may have heard, seen or eaten this baby before – it’s a welcome new one for me!  I got home and did a bit of research on my new-found friend…I think I’m in love!  Here are some reasons why:

  • Purple Kohlrabi is very beautiful for starters, this is what first caught my eye and attracted me in the first place.  It’s a beautiful purple color, with little edible purple stems and green leaves. It is a very close relation to cabbage, kale, brussels sprouts, broccoli, etc, some of my very favourite vegetables!
  • You can cook this veggie, although it prefers to be eaten raw or very lightly cooked- which works better for my body anyway!
  • Kohlrhabi is a great source of vitamin C, some B vitamins, iron, manganese, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and copper.  The actual bulb will give you wonderful amounts of vitamin A and carotenes, while the very beautiful leaves are high in carotenes, vitamin A, K, minerals and B vitamins.
  • It is currently winter here in Melbourne – Kohlrabi is my new raw winter salad best friend!  It’s refreshing and crisp – awesome for brightening a drizzly Melbourne winters day.

I created an awesome and beautiful salad with this gorgeous vegetable – try it for yourself – it takes next to no time at all!

Purple Kohlrabi Salad

Ingredients: (for two people)

  • 1 kohlrabi bulb, very thinly sliced/shaved
  • 1/2 diakon radish, very thinly sliced/shaved
  • 1 pear thinly sliced
  • 1 lime or lemon, juiced
  • sea salt to taste
  • 1 cup of black beans- or any pulse/legume (I love sprouting lentils and that would be perfect in this recipe, but I had just run out.  I had my black beans pre-cooked from the day before, which makes for less preparation time and the black beans are at the same temperature as the vegetables).
  • Handful of fresh herbs to garnish – I used coriander and parsley.

Variations: Kelp noodles would be an incredible raw addition for some sea love and iodine. And you could also add fennel to this dish- a perfect union if you have it!


1. Wash fruit and veggies, then very thinly slice/shave. Season with raw sea salt and the lime/lemon juice. Taste and adjust seasoning to your liking.

2. Serve over beans or lentils, and garnish with fresh herbs.

3. Eat! That’s it! Simple and oh so satisfying.


Tegan Crowley
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