Radishes can add kick and crunch to your favorite salads, but did you know they can help ward off and ease symptoms of indigestion such as gas and bloating? This is because radishes are rich in sulphur compounds that not only account for their pungent taste, but also help prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria (like candida and H.pyloria) in the gut, which keeps the GI tract functioning at its peak
- 1-2 radishes
- 1 handful of sunflower sprouts
- 1 cup raspberries
- 1/2 avocado
- 1 cup coconut water
Instructions: Wash your produce and berries, pit your avocado and blend together on high until smooth.
5 Reasons Radishes Rawk
1. Radishes have antibacterial and antifungal properties.
2. They are a member of the cabbage family.
3. Radishes contain vitamin C, potassium and other trace minerals.
4. Grown in Egypt since at least 2780 B.C., radishes were originally black.
5. Radishes were traditionally the number one treatment for Hyperthyroid (Graves Disease) in Russia!
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