Blackberry Peach Crumble with Rawmio Almond Silk (Hooray, it’s Vegan!)

Vegan Peach Cobbler Celebrate the last bit of summer’s sweetness with our delicious Blackberry Peach Crumble featuring Rawmio Almond Silk spread. A raw, vegan, gluten free, refined sugar free, and totally clean recipe the whole family will absolutely love! This recipe can be done with a variety of seasonal fruits, so if peaches and blackberries are unavailable try subbing in apples or pears!

Serves 8

  • 3 juicy peaches
  • 1 cup blackberries (or berries of your choice)
  • 3 tbs soaked chia
  • 3 medjool dates, soaked
  • 1 tbs fresh lemon juice


  • 1/2 cup pecans
  • 1 cup gluten-free whole oats
  • 2 medjool dates
  • 2 tbs Rawmio almond silk (or almond crunch)
  • 1 tbs RawGuru lucuma powder
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla
  • 1 pinch RawGuru Himalayan pink salt


  1. Make a syrupy sauce by blending 1 peach with your soaked chia, saoked dates, and lemon juice. Set aside.
  2. Rinse your blackberries, slice your peaches, and combine those with your syrupy sauce in a bowl.
  3. Prepare your crumble by placing all ingredients in a food processor and pulsing until consistency is broken down but will still hold a nice crumbly form.
  4. Place fruit mixture into a square brownie pan (or pie pan), use your hands to layer the crumble over your fruit.

Serve it up with a garnish of extra Rawmio almond silk drizzled on top. A scoop of banana ice cream encouraged but not required. ; ) YUM!


Anna Speaks