Did you know the apple has a nutritional profile unlike any other fruit in the fruit kingdom? It’s said to be natures vitamin! You know that saying “If you’re not hungry enough to eat an apple, you’re not hungry”? I have to say in my personal experience there’s an element of truth to the statement. Whenever I’m super hungry, I usually end up going for sliced apples and cinnamon because they’re the quickest snack I can find. Aside from smoothies, and in this case apples are divine in combination with basil and lime. I could have this one for breakfast every day for a while. Hope you like it!
- 2 Gala Apples
- 3 Limes, Peeled
- 6-8 Fresh Basil Leaves
- Pinch of Himalayan Salt
- 1 Frozen Banana
- 2-3 cups of water
Instructions: Blend together all of your ingredients in the Vitamix or high powered blender and enjoy. You can use less lime if you find it too sour. Limes and lemons differ in flavor depending on what part of the world you are in. Some are more sweet, some are more sour.
What are your favorite smoothie recipes? Share your ideas below!
Learn more recipes and tips like this in our 3 months course How to Go Raw, Not Crazy! We’re taking a few more student testers, if you’d like more details on how you can get a discount on registration you can email us with the subject line “how to go raw”.
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