Cacao Avocado Mousse

Cacao Avocado Mousse Dessert
Cacao Avocado Mousse Dessert

Caleb and I whipped this mousse up  on Saturday night with the last of our soaked irish moss and avocados that were in need of use. It was delicious and a quick crowd pleaser. One recommendation to make the texture smoother, first blend the irish moss in the blender before adding it to the mixture.


  • 4 Avocados
  • 3 tspn raw organic cacao
  • 1 cup irish moss
  • 5 dates
  • 1 tsp honey or pure organic agave nectar.


Irish moss should be soaked for about 6 hours, changing the water 2 or 3 times in between. Place irish moss in the Vitamix with a small amount of water, probably about 1/4 cup and blend until you reach a creamy, paste like texture. Add the mixture to avocado, cacao, dates and honey and blend on medium to high for 2 minutes. Use a Vitamix tool to stir the mixture and let the machine cool down. Blend again on medium to high for another 2 minutes or until you reached a nice whipped consistency! Garnish with a raw almond or hazelnut if you so desire.

Sheleana Aiyana