7 Traditional Cooling Foods & Drinks from Around the World
Looking to cool down a little? Here are some things that various cultures traditionally use to cool down in hot climates:
1. Thailand: Ginger. Most of...
Diet and Lifestyle Tips for Graceful Aging
Why is it that once we find ourselves well and truly into adulthood, we start to panic about impending birthdays? The truth is, age...
5 Recipes for Juicing on a Budget!
One of the most common concerns I hear from juice skeptics is about how expensive produce (and as a result, juicing) is. These concerns...
Should We Really Be Worried About Enzymes in our Food?
When you ask someone why they eat a lot of raw foods, one of the things they may say is that they eat raw...
The Full Scoop on Diagnosing and Healing Candida
Candida. What is it? How do you know if you have it? What do you do about it if you do have it? These are...
5 Ways To Stay on Track With Your Health and Fitness Goals
So you've been running 5 miles a day, keeping a food journal and eating plenty of greens and you still can't move that last...
5 Tips for Going Raw on a Budget
My Pinterest boards are overflowing with pictures of gorgeous pantries stocked with raw goodies and beautiful Vitamix blenders and Excalibur dehydrators. But for now,...
A Beginner’s Guide to Fermentation
We’ve already heard how Fermented Foods Can Heal Your Gut and Make Your Skin Glow thanks to health and wellness expert, Simone Samuels. But...
Eat These 5 Foods to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer
Cancer is a growing health risk for much of the Western world, and over the next decade some experts suggest that 50% of the...
6 Tips for Eating Healthier in an Office Environment
Trying to eat healthy while you're away from a kitchen to prepare or store food can be tough! That being said, there are plenty...