
Opening the heart chakra helps you connect with others and feel more love for yourself. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means "wheel". In Yogic and other Spiritual cultures, the chakras are believed to be energy centers of the...
Nothing says holidays more than festive cranberries. Throw a little raw beet into this (yep, 1/2 a beet!), and you'll even have a little lovely lip glow for even more kissable lips under the mistletoe. Ginger is added to...
Equipment: Vitamix or High powered blender Ingredients: 2 Cups Raw Almond Milk 2 tbspn green superfood mix 2 tsp shilajit 2 tsp premium red maca 1 tsp royal rush bee food mix 1 cup frozen blueberries 2 whole frozen banans ...
Craving fruit? This smoothie will awaken your sense, make you tingle and flood your cells with life force energy! It's a delicious way to start the day. Caleb and I have this smoothie once in a while, he really...
Today I'm very excited to do a recipe swap with Ryan from and share his Outrageously Orange Smoothie recipe with you! His website is dedicated solely to smoothie action so I suggest you go check it out and show him...
Enjoy this smoothie as a delicious and super healthy alternative to chocolate which contains caffeine and can be over stimulating for the adrenals. If you're allergic to peanuts - just leave the butter out for a carob-banana smoothie. Ingredients: 2 Frozen,...
Citrus fruit is amazing for helping rid the body of excess mucus. Excess mucus can block your body's ability to properly absorb nutrients. Including citrus fruits into your diet can help to reduce mucus levels in your body and...
  Did you know the apple has a nutritional profile unlike any other fruit in the fruit kingdom? It's said to be natures vitamin! You know that saying "If you're not hungry enough to eat an apple, you're not hungry"?...
We've had an incredibly high percentage of moms and dads post on our Young and Raw Facebook page asking for smoothie ideas that are family friendly. If you're on of them, this post is special just for you :) If...
Get your greens on with this sweet morning green smoothie! Drinking one a day can help you curb cravings, boost your energy and feel more clear headed. Having something healthy to start your day sets a foundation for the...