Have fennel lying around but not sure what to do with it? Well, if you’re up for something new – try throwing a bit of it into your smoothie today! Fennel is a source of plant based iron, and has long been used as a remedy for upset tummies, gas & indigestion. Even though it smells like licorice, the taste is a bit different and really subtle in a smoothie combo with pineapple and avocado. Warning though, if you don’t have a high speed blender, you’ll want to really chop the fennel up into small bits because it doesn’t blend well in a regular blender. You can also just slice it up and throw it in a salad or a stir fry!
- 1 Cup Frozen or Fresh Pineapple
- 1/2 Small Avocado
- 1/2 Cup Fennel
- 1 Lime, Peeled
- 1 tbsp. Hemp Seeds
- 1 – 2 Cups of Water
Instructions: Blend all ingredients on high until smooth. Use less water to start and add into your blender until you reach the right consistency for your preferences. Enjoy!
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