Pineapple has a centuries-old reputation for relieving indigestion, and there are many good reasons for that. It’s one powerful fruit, containing properties for aiding both digestive health and inflammation! Fresh pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps digestion by breaking down protein. This is especially important for people who have digestions issues, or many older people who have low levels of stomach acid, which is needed for protein digestion.
Adding a few slices of pineapple to a meal or smoothie, or having it for dessert may help keep your stomach calm and aid digestion. For the greatest anti-inflammatory benefit, make pineapple a between-meals snack. “The bromelain in pineapple has powerful anti-inflammatory properties”, says bromelain researcher Eric Secor, ND, and postdoctoral fellow in immunology at the University of Connecticut. Studies show it can soothe irritated sinuses and swollen sore throats, ease arthritic inflammation, and even help cuts and scrapes heal faster.
Eat pineapple alone to get the most anti-inflammatory benefit; otherwise the bromelain will be deactivated as it helps digest protein in the other foods you eat.
And here’s a little tip for you if you live in a sunny place – put your pineapple out in the sun for at least 12 hours before eating it. This makes the fruit extra juicy and super sweet.