The gut, just like any other part of the body is susceptible to becoming inflamed from time to time. Inflammation is a natural body process that is necessary for optimal health. The problem with inflammation occurs when the inflammation is chronic or prolonged. Inflammation in the intestinal tissue can be quite painful, and can cause damage over time if not treated. There are many ways to reduce inflammation in the gut, but diet is the number one tool you have in your arsenal. Eating a diet that is filled with fresh greens, herbs, veggies, fruits, and whole foods will have a huge impact on your gut health overall. Here is a simple juice recipe that has an affinity for helping to calm the fires of inflammation in the digestive system.
- 1 cucumber
- 1 head fennel
- 1-2 handfuls mint leaves
- 1 inch slice ginger
- ½-1 lemon (optional)
Directions: Remove the peel from your lemon if using. Run all ingredients through a juicer and enjoy.
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