This salad is low in calories but high in nutrients. If you do eat lower calorie meals, they should always be packed with nutrition. Lentils are a superior source of plant protein. In just 1 oz of lentils there is 2.6 grams of protein. All living foods contain proteins, as protein is a make up of amino acids. It’s not necessary to combine plant foods to make up complete proteins as the body will do that for you. Lentils are a wonderful addition to a raw food diet, even though they can be cooked you can also soak and sprout them first. People who have a hard time digesting beans, usually do much better with lentils.
- 1-2 cups organic arugula
- 2-3 tbsp. alf alfa sprouts
- 1/4 cup cooked green lentils
- 1/8 green apple chopped or shredded
- 2-3 slices of avocado, cubed
- shredded ginger to taste (about 2-3 swipes on a grater)
- fresh squeezed lemon juice overtop
Instructions: Grate or chop apple, slice avocado and shred a small chunk of ginger over top of your arugula. Sprinkle lentils, alf alfa sprouts and a squeeze of fresh lemon over top. You can cook your lentils in vegetable broth and seasonings, or just use water.
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