MangOlicious Smoothie

Mango Orange Banana Smoothie
Mango Orange Banana Smoothie

Craving fruit? This smoothie will awaken your sense, make you tingle and flood your cells with life force energy! It’s a delicious way to start the day. Caleb and I have this smoothie once in a while, he really loves fruit, i’m a greens girl all the way. Lately I’ve been doing way more fruit and it feels really good, I even find my body becoming more toned without  much exercises. Smoothies are more convenient, and the nutrition is more easily assimilated in my body.


  • 1 Mango
  • 2 Oranges
  • 2 frozen ripened Bananas
  • 1/3 of a pineapple, cut into fourths, and you can leave the core if your using the Vitamix
  • 2 cups of Coconut Water


Mango Orange Banana Coconut Water in Vitamix Blender
Mango Orange Banana Coconut Water in Vitamix Blender

I’m a total greens girl, Caleb likes it sweet. What’s  YOUR pick, Fruit or Veggies? Comment Below!

Sheleana with Her Mangolicious Smoothie
Sheleana with Her Mangolicious Smoothie

Sheleana Aiyana