Outrageously Orange Smoothie

Today I’m very excited to do a recipe swap with Ryan from HealthySmoothiehq.com and share his Outrageously Orange Smoothie recipe with you! His website is dedicated solely to smoothie action so I suggest you go check it out and show him some love in the comments, tell him Young and Raw sent you 🙂 

I modified this recipe a bit because I’m making enough for Caleb and myself, I added 2 frozen bananas and added in coconut flakes and some local bee pollen from Harmonic Arts. This smoothie made my taste buds dance with pleasure, if you want to start your day off right try throwing a fruit smoothie into the mix.


  • 1 cup orange juice (preferably organic and/or fresh squeezed) or water
  • 2 whole seedless oranges, peeled
  • 1 banana (optionally frozen)
  • 1 tsp. coconut flakes
  • 2 tsp. local bee pollen

The Add-ons

  • 1/2 cup frozen berries of choice
  • 1/4 teaspoon ginger powder
  • Coconut: flakes, shreds, and/or oil

Instructions: Place the ingredients into your blender and blend on high until desired consistency is reached.

3 Rawesome Facts About this Smoothie

1. Oranges help balance out the electrolytes in the body due to their high potassium content. Use them in a pre or post workout smoothie.

2. Bananas are high in magnesium so they help relax muscles and treat fatigue. Again, great to eat after a workout for quick recovery.

3.  Bee pollen is such a glorious food, and I could really go off about this but we’ll save it for another post. One of the amazing traits of bee pollen is it’s ability to act as a natural antihistamine by localizing your immune system to the environment around you. This is why it’s important to get local bee pollen.

Sheleana Aiyana