Raw Almond Butter Buckwheat Power Bars

Raw Almond Butter Buckwheat Power Bars

Energy bars are one of the easiest snacks to grab when you are on the go. In theory these bars are generally higher in calories (or energy!) and provide a compact way to ingest some protein, some healthy fats and some carbohydrates making them a balanced snack option.

Unfortunately many of the energy bars on the market are filled with heavily processed protein powders, refined sugars, denatured fats, tonnes of sodium, not to mention at tonne of artificial ingredients, preservatives and additives. So although the macronutrients they contain may seem healthful, upon closer inspection they are not the best for you.

So instead of scanning labels for an hour trying to find the cleanest power bar in your grocery store, why not make your own! These bars are super easy to make and come together in 15 minutes or less.  They are packed with awesome whole foods carbohydrates from the dates and figs, healthy fats from the coconut and almond butter, and you can even add a few scoops of plant-based protein powder or hemp seeds to the recipe if you are looking for a post workout snack.

Raw Almond Butter Buckwheat Power Bars


  • 3 cups raw buckwheat (sprouted and dried is even better!)
  • 1.5 cup desiccated coconut
  • 1 cup raisins or unsweetened carob chips
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla powder (or vanilla extract)
  • 2 pinch Himalayan
  • 1.5 cups almond butter
  • 1 cup honey or rice syrup
  • 2 cups pitted dates
  • 2 cups chopped dried figs
1. Place your buckwheat, coconut, raisins or carob chips, cinnamon, vanilla powder and salt in a bowl and toss with your hands until well combined.
2. Place your almond butter, honey or brown rice syrup and dates in a food processor and process until the dates are mostly broken down. You can also do this by hand if you dates are very soft. This mixture does not need to be totally smooth because some texture in your bars is nice.
3. Add your chopped figs to the almond butter mixture and stir to combine.
4. Combine your wet and dry ingredients. You may need to add a little more almond butter or a little more coconut, depending on if your bars are too dry or too sticky.  You want them to be stiff enough to hold a ball shape without crumbling.
5. Press mixture into a parchment paper lined baking tray.
6. Allow to cool in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
7. Slice into bars – makes 12-24 depending on what size you like.
Ali Washington