Shake up Your Plate with these 3 Funky Fall Vegetables


The weather outside may be keeping you cool this fall, but be the coolest cook in the kitchen with these new kids on the block (or in the garden). Although these veggies may not have ever graced the top of your grocery list, I’m convinced they’ll be a regular staple in your Fall pantry after reading about all their benefits and the creative culinary creations you can whip up with them.


When picked fresh from the garden or purchased Saturday morning at your local farmer’s market, kohlrabi looks like the black sheep of the root vegetable family.  However, don’t be deceived by appearances, kohlrabi really packs a punch when eaten raw with its spicy radish like flavor.   Eat it raw, grated on salads or sliced with your favorite olive oil and balsamic combo, or toss it in your fall harvest vegetable soup. If you really want to get funky with this one, you can try out this recipe for kohlrabi pancakes.

Mustard Greens

Colonel Mustard ain’t got nothing on this funky fall veggie. Would you like a clue as to why these greens are so good for you?  Well they’re jam-packed full of phytonutrients!  When choosing mustard greens be sure to pick leaves that are free of any brown or yellowish spots, not wilted and are a nice vibrant green.  Because these greens have a more savory taste, they pair nicely with stir-fries, and steamed veggie bowls.  If you want to funk up your mustard greens, try adding them to your favorite curry dish.

Bok Choy

This classy looking cruciferous vegetable plays a pretty major role in the cabbage family.  Bok choy’s rich in antioxidants and beta carotene, which are only a few reasons why you’ll want to invite this one over for dinner.  One of my favorite ways to eat bok choy is to mildly steam the leaves and stem, drizzle fresh lemon juice and olive oil on top and that’s it!  Done like dinner.  You can also eat it raw by adding bok choy to your salads or for a tasty afternoon snack cut into sticks, like celery, to dip in your hummus.  Ready to take this up a notch??  Make bok choy an addition to your favorite miso soup recipe.

Sarah Skalzub