Tropical Detox Smoothie

Tropical Detox Smoothie
Tropical Detox Smoothie
What do you do when you’re hungry, in a rush or just feeling too lazy to make a meal? Have a smoothie of course! We’re loving this one, and if you’re lucky enough to have access to mango (frozen or fresh) at this time of year, this is an easy recipe for you to try.Smoothies make a great breakfast and we usually suggest you start with one simple change when you want to get healthy or switch up your diet. Having a smoothie for breakfast instead of potatoes and bacon or pancakes can make a massive improvement in your energy levels and how you feel through out the rest of your day. A recipe like this is easy to make and only takes a few minutes from start to finish.
  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen mango
  • 1 hand full of fresh cilantro
  • 1-2 cups of coconut water or water

Instructions: Combine all of your ingredients except for the liquids in the blender and blend on high until smooth. Start off with 1 cup of water and add liquid as necessary to reach desired consistency.

5 Rawesome Facts About this Smoothie

1. Detoxes heavy metals from the blood.

2. Cilantro helps to naturally combat PMS symptoms.

3.  Mango can help clear pores.

4. Bananas are a natural mood booster – they contain tryptophan which triggers a serotonin release in the brain.

5. Coconut water is very similar to our own blood plasma and replenished the body with electrolytes!


Sheleana Aiyana